At last a calendar without frontiers! Being the first universal calendar in history, the Caleader eradicates the limitations of the standard calendar by eliminating its typical linguistic obstacles. Being solely composed of dates ingeniously integrated to an image, it is accessible to everyone no matter where they come from. At last, no more linguistic obstacles in calendars.
Architectural version of the Caleader, the Interstice allows collectivities to express their uniqueness through architecture. Tourists and locals alike can come consult its temporal references in an urbansetting favorable to relaxation. The Interstice constitutes a pioneering concept susceptible to be admired by today's people and tomorrow's generations.
Let's set aside theory to access the real thing. Freely download prototypes here. Caleaders are ideal gifts for friends, family and business contacts. They provide enjoyment and convenience for a whole year.

Find in this Quiz at least one easy question and some more difficult ones. This brief challenge will quickly confront you with the hard fact that there will always be plenty to learn. Also, you'll be able to test your abilities to handle this new concept through some exercises.
This section introduces other subjects related to these innovations such as events leading to their breakthrough conception, a condensed resume of the site's material and further more.

Copyright © 2009 Légende Communication. All rights reserved. Caleader, Interstice and Direct Design Guide are trademarks of Légende Communication.