C A L E A D E R™  A P P L I C A T I O N S



Bored of unchanged didactic scenario for years? Weary of the same teaching methods and materials? Getting poor interest from students? Consider the Caleader! Together, they'll discover countless cultures using contemporary calendars whose dates differ from theirs. An adventure to the heart of modern civilizations.

For example, in 2015, that year will be used in most Occidental countries but 1937 and 2558 will be used respectively in India and Cambodia. Yep! There are people* presently using a different temporal system than ours. In 2015, will people working in Japan receive paychecks dated 2675 which will then be effective over there? Of course not! Otherwise, banks would be confused while attempting to change Chinese checks dated 4713 and Arabia's 1436 in the same day. For a better efficiency, all countries have adopted an international convention allowing them to proceed with economic exchange while making abstraction of their cultural differences.

Homework will never be so exciting! Imagine students attempting to discover what event triggered the Cambodian era, what is a lunar month and why it isn't made of 31 days as ours. They'll finally understand why some foreign people say that a women's pregnancy lasts 10 (lunar) months! Students will marvel while discovering the world from a refreshing and unexpected perspective. And no, we aren't the center of the world. Billions function with time references different than ours. Wow! All that stuff really starts to be interesting...

* Population: Arabia = 48,000,000+ / Cambodia = 13,000,000+ / China = 1,320,000,000+ / India = 1,100,000,000+ / Japan = 125,000,000+ / Etc.



Precious educational asset

The Caleader has an outstanding didactic potential. It eases the learning of historical, geographical, sociological, astronomical and artistic notions. Furthermore, it stimulates the intellect and imagination. Each Caleader represents a great challenge and a fascinating learning experience. Consider making the student's research culminate with a collective School Caleader made from the entire class... Something tangible they will proudly exhibit for everyone to admire. As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once put it: If you want to unite men, give them a city to build.


Pedagogical Strategy
  • Approach based on personal involvement and collective contribution



  • Highlight the importance of time
  • Stimulating research and innovation
  • Developing a sense of accountability: time as a limited resource
  • Encourage personal contribution to the collectivity
  • Investigating time calculating methods throughout history
  • Learning of various time management systems


Results and advantages

  • Openness to other cultures and respect of the difference
  • Trilling assignments providing an experience focused on discovery
  • Instilment of a sense of belonging to a team
  • Realization of an unheard-of creation expressing class originality


Matters to study and pedagogical activities

  • Cultural aspects of calendars
  • Calendar characteristics in other cultures
  • Speech by students sharing their discoveries
  • Characteristics inherent to solar and lunar calendars
  • Astronomy versus calculation of time



  • Submission, by students, of themes to adopt for the School Caleader
  • Democratic exercise: adoption of a theme by the class' majority
  • Election of project leaders
  • Research and submission by students of potential graphic elements
  • Repartition of tasks to everyone
  • Insertion of discoveries on the back of the School Caleader
  • Printing
  • Awarding of a School Caleader to each student as a gesture of appreciation
  • Exhibition of a wall size School Caleader for consultation by other classes
  • Insertion of the School Caleader within the Graduates' Album
  • Selling of School Caleaders for various fund raising projects


Class Projects

  • Collective realization of a School Caleader
  • Collective realization of a Fresco Caleader
    For further information regarding Fresco Caleaders, please consult the Artistic Application section.


Ideal for Open Door Days

School Caleaders constitute an excellent promotional tool to recruit newcomers. This strategy promotes an innovative global image of your institution and proudly expresses your students' talent.


Ideal for Fund Raising projects

  • Promoting school by selling School Caleaders to population
  • Financing school projects
  • One whole year visibility for the school




Légende Communication has developed a basic editable research form so to allow comparison of time systems presently used in the world. It is available for download, you only have to click on the image below.



ONLY $395+tx


FULL CONTROL + TOTAL FREEDOM: Teach, design, develop, innovate, produce and sell Caleader™ COURSES, PRINTS, FRESCOS, GAMES, LANDMARKS* and more. Valid initially for ONE (1) point of sale only. Other licenses may be combined to it.

This 50 PAGE TIME-SAVER is loaded with helpful technical information such as charts, examples, tables, advice, samples as well as illustrations and includes the OfficialCertificate of Authenticity acknowledging that you are legitimately entitled to LIFETIME USE of the Caleader™ concept for all your projects to the exception of architecture.*


The Caleader concept could contribute to your school' success. With the DIRECT DESIGN™ Guide, you may tailor Caleaders™ to fit your organization's goals and use them to promote your institution and raise money for your school projects. Only $395+tx for lifetime use. Restrictions and conditions apply. For licenses and details, you may access the online boutique.

* Concerning the Caleader™ architectural application labeled Interstice™, the recipient is limited to using the concept for consultation, design and promotion purposes only. Erection of any architectural construction based on the Caleader™ concept is conditional to a $90,000 royalty plus applicable taxes per landmark erected. All other kinds of projects are royalty free upon purchase of the DIRECT DESIGN™ Guide.







Copyright © 2009 Légende Communication. All rights reserved. Caleader, Interstice and Direct Design Guide are trademarks of Légende Communication.