C A L E A D E R™  A P P L I C A T I O N S

Tailored to seduce masses, the commercial Caleaders can adjust to almost any interests such as music, technology, ecology and any other popular theme.
For businesses wishing to gain long time visibility through an ingenious promotional tool, the Caleader constitutes the perfect approach, communicating universality, creativity and daring efficacy.

Stimulating the intellect and imagination, this valuable didactic tool will consolidate students' fellowship. The collective School Caleader is great for team work and thus constitutes a one of a kind experience.

With its load of matching pieces ready to be assembled, the 3D Caleader Game will stimulates everyone's intellect by mixing thrills and convenience since the ultimate result will be a year-round decorative 3D calendar.
Whether an individual or team project, the Fresco Caleader will trigger joy in everyone by making the environment more attractive.
Being the ultimate Caleader application, this architectonic universal calendar, branded Interstice™, constitutes a unique opportunity for architects to achieve an outstanding creation and leave an indelible mark on their time.
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Copyright © 2009 Légende Communication. All rights reserved. Caleader, Interstice and Direct Design Guide are trademarks of Légende Communication.