C A L E A D E R™  A P P L I C A T I O N S


Nobody appreciates seeing the fruit of his labor going to waste. That's why promotion's aim is to speed up the reach of your business goals. If you want to benefit from long time visibility, display a daring corporate image and entertain your audience, the Caleader is the promotional tool you must have.


The Caleader favors without any doubt institutions wishing to have a promotional tool corresponding to their organization's profile. Elaborated in a coherent way, it could help spread a professional and innovative image.

Bet on this innovation to distinguish yourself, entertain your guests and incite the public interest toward your business while highlighting your products and services. The Caleader will add a refreshing dimension to everybody's routine. During months, your enterprise will proudly be displayed to everyone's view, generating fascination and pleasure.



  1. Unheard-of way to promote your enterprise

  2. Entertaining and useful to users

  3. Personalized to your business with graphics illustrating your products and services

  4. Generates months of visibility among your potential customers

  5. Possibility of inserting a legend at the back with information about your organization

  6. Ideal for family members, friends, clients, employees, partners and business contacts

  7. Perfect for spreading an innovative global image of your enterprise

  8. Ideal for visibility among foreign communities facing communication difficulties

  9. Rarity of supply: return of people to your organization to get more

By adopting the Gifts Caleader above, for example, the items illustrated could promote products available at a store... or highlight stores at a Shopping Centre below:





...or be left vacant for the client's personal notes:




The same strategy could be applied to numerous other Caleaders like, for example, the Credit Card Caleader.  Items illustrated could for instance promote purchasing advantages provided by the membership card:



...or list the multiple privileges the card offers:



...or promote the organization by displaying its crest or another added value:



...or be left vacant so to be used for the member's personal notes:





Now, let's pretend for a moment that you own a music shop called Melody Instruments and that you want long term visibility in your neighborhood.  Seizing the opportunity of a potential customer that just came into your shop and to whom you want to offer a promotional Caleader so it will proudly be displayed at his home, you may use the methodology below.





Suggested Approach

  1. Before offering a Caleader, ask fist him his birthday or any date of importance.

  2. Then consult the Caleader and tell him what day of the week that date will be on.

  3. Next, present it to him stating that it is the first universal calendar in history and that it can be interpreted by anyone since dates are gathered in weeks and weekends.

  4. Finally, after informing him of your own birthday, challenge him to find it and to identify its day of the week:

    • First, ask him to find the month
    • Then, the date
    • Finally, its day in the week

Let's not forget that it's a brand new concept and that even the simplest things require an adaptation period. Depending of his level of fatigue, it is possible that you may have to repeat the exercise. Once succeeded, congratulate him for passing the test.

It's on! You've just made a new enthusiast. He will be eager to inform his peers about this new toy, becoming at the same time your business representative. Don't forget that you are the star on this Caleader. His listeners, in turn, will be intrigued at how he succeeds in discovering their birthday on such a mysterious illustration. Your Caleader will go around town. Isn't it what you wanted in the first place? And on that Caleader are your coordinates for those who would be interested in getting one freely at your store and, maybe, purchase a musical instrument too. At last, new potential customers coming into your business.



Up and until the concept is known to most, people will be compelled to explain it to others.  Unless, of course, a major televised campaign makes it known to everyone.



ONLY $395+tx


FULL CONTROL + TOTAL FREEDOM: Design, develop, innovate, produce and sell Caleader™ PRINTS, FRESCOS, GAMES, COURSES, LANDMARKS* and more. Valid initially for ONE (1) point of sale only. Other licenses may be combined to it.

This 50 PAGE TIME-SAVER is loaded with helpful technical information such as charts, examples, tables, advice, samples as well as illustrations and includes the OfficialCertificate of Authenticity acknowledging that you are legitimately entitled to LIFETIME USE of the Caleader™ concept for all your projects to the exception of architecture.*


The Caleader concept could contribute to your business success. With the DIRECT DESIGN™ Guide, you may tailor Caleaders™ to your business and use them to promote your products & services. Only $395+tx for lifetime use. Restrictions and conditions apply. For licenses and details, you may access the online boutique.

* Concerning the Caleader™ architectural application labeled Interstice™, the recipient is limited to using the concept for consultation, design and promotion purposes only. Erection of any architectural construction based on the Caleader™ concept is conditional to a $90,000 royalty plus applicable taxes per landmark erected. All other kinds of projects are royalty free upon purchase of the DIRECT DESIGN™ Guide.







Copyright © 2009 Légende Communication. All rights reserved. Caleader, Interstice and Direct Design Guide are trademarks of Légende Communication.