C A L E A D E R™


Let's evaluate the Caleader's relevance by comparing it to our daily tool, the regular calendar. First, let's assess the need for universality. The sole alternative with the regular calendar to satisfy the ever-increasing number of readers is to add more languages to its heading. As illustrated on this webpage header, we can observe that the same information is repeated over and over in four different languages: French, English, Spanish and Chinese. There's got to be a better way! We simply cannot put all the languages in the calendar's heading to satisfy everyone.

Also, as illustrated below, there can be ambiguity with the regular calendar since some begin on a SUNDAY as others start on a MONDAY. These atypical layouts may cause confusion:



Furthermore, the regular calendar necessitates two looks to identify any given date. Let's observe that situation:




The path followed by the eyes is made of two steps:

  1. Localization of the desired date.

  2. Identification of the day of the week corresponding to that date.

So, once the date is located, we have to raise our eyes towards the heading in order to know what day of the week it corresponds to.

There are many ways to solve a problem but there is only one best way to solve it. The Caleader settles these dilemmas once for all. Thus, no more need for translation since it becomes useless. And with the Caleader, only one look is required to get all the needed information:


Go over graphic with your mouse to see caption.


Indeed, it can instantly be deduced that the 14th is a Friday since it is the last of five working days. The language saturation problem is solved since there is no need for languages anymore. And if there is no need for words, there is no need either for translation. As for universality, anybody knows the week/weekend international convention.



In the next topic...

Next, let's mix work and fun together by ingeniously incorporating dates within graphics. All we need to remember is that dates have to form blocks of five days for the week and two days for the weekend. As simple as that!


Why bother going through this whole website when you can download this PRINTABLE PDF VERSION of it?



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