C A L E A D E R™


CALEADER™ [Calendar + Leader] Calendar without language references whose universality is achieved by grouping dates according to the international convention, which is the week/weekend sequence.



Caleader™ concept

The Caleader™ concept consists in gathering dates in series of FIVE and TWO within an image's graphical elements, thus identifying contemporary WEEK days and WEEKEND days without the help of a language.


The first 5 musical notes are the 5 working days of the week while the 2 others are the weekend days.
We automatically know that the 9 is a Friday since it is the last working day of that week.
Copyright © 2014 Légende Communication. All rights reserved.


Calendar without frontier

Whether you are in China, Brazil or Madagascar, to name only these few places, the weekly pulse of social activities is made of alternating week and weekend. Despite the fact that the regular calendar starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday, citizens of the world juxtapose in their mind these two days into one entity: the weekend. Mentally, they perceive the alternating sequence of the following two temporal blocks:


The WORKING WEEK........(Monday to Friday)..........5 days

The WEEKEND.................(Saturday & Sunday).......2 days


The regular calendar's date layout does not coincide with the mental representation we have of the week.






That is based on this mental representation that the Caleader was elaborated. Being devoid of linguistic references, its dates are grouped in entities representing the five days of the week and the two days of the weekend. This strategy makes its interpretation instantaneous and universal. For example, let's display January 2015 in week/weekend sequences and let's distinguish them with different colors so to make the interpretation easier. Dates in orange are weekdays and those in green are the weekend. Dates being so distributed, we can state without any doubt that January first 2015 is a Thursday since it fills the fourth place of five weekdays.

Go over graphic with your mouse to see caption.


Leading Calendar

The time is therefore over when the calendar was confined to its linguistic community. Effectively, during centuries the diffusion of calendars was limited to people speaking the same language. It was unthinkable to promote a calendar to a foreign region since its linguistic obstacles constituted a barrier to its export.

By removing that language barrier and grouping dates according to the week/weekend convention, a same calendar can now circulate freely from one linguistic community to another. If, for instance, you were from Switzerland and were considering offering a Caleader to someone in Asia, it could be consulted comfortably since no translation is required. After countless centuries, linguistic obstacles are finally over.

At last a calendar without frontier!

Therefore, the Caleader's added value is universality, which constitutes a ground-breaking asset in our globalization era. This exceptionality makes it a generational innovation. In fact, it constitutes the keystone of a new generation of calendars: the Caleaders.

One planet: One Caleader



In the next topic...

Beyond the fact that it's a new product, is the Caleader really relevant, useful and efficient? Do we really need it? In order to determine its pertinence, let's compare it with the regular calendar...


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Copyright © 2009 Légende Communication. All rights reserved. Caleader, Interstice and Direct Design Guide are trademarks of Légende Communication.