Go through the few topics below to get a better understanding of the Caleader and the Interstice.



In life, what we discover may be far more important than what we were looking for. In 1996, what started as a simple project of creating a humorous calendar evolved into an unexpected generational innovation holding countless graphic possibilities: the Caleader.

The initial idea was to conceive a humorous header for each month of the year. However, when time came to proceed with the days' layout, there was a slight discomfort since the regular calendar's layout does not match the contemporary mental representation we have of the week. This uneasiness was the starting point for Marc Doyon, its author, to make and develop a calendar more accurate to that representation. To get information about the Caleader's™ author or the company he founded afterward: Légende Communication.





This site focuses on a brand new generational innovation: the Caleader. We saw together that this innovation abounds with graphic possibilities and that it has six main applications:

  • Commerce
  • Promotion
  • Education
  • Leisure
  • Art
  • Architecture

We have discovered that the architectural Caleader is named Interstice and that it can express a nation's distinctiveness. Also, the Interstice can help promote a better understanding and encourage mutual respect through cultural discovery.

We now know that the Interstice is an universal structural calendar that contributes to local pride and worldwide visibility since, like a sundial, it doesn't require any translation. It is the culminating point of a relaxing public area and it stimulates tourist influx, economic growth and employment creation.

We have learned that elements composing the Interstice can practically adjust to any theme and that they may differ from one another in terms of shape, proportion and appearance.

We have observed that the potential clients to acquire such a landmark are cities, nations and major corporations.

The ultimate clientele beneficiating from the Interstice are locals and touristic masses. We have seen that the derived products generated by the Interstice can earn additional income a long time after its inauguration. These by-products may be considered as promotional accessories as well since tourists will become implicit agents back in their hometown.

The Interstice therefore constitutes an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for architects wishing to accomplish an exceptional masterpiece and leave an indelible mark on their time. We know that the Interstice is a huge challenge for any architect wishing to go out of the beaten path and invest in a long haul project as high as his ambitions. We recognize that this is a demanding project and that it requires considerable amounts of money, plenty of time, energy, expertise, efforts, perseverance, tenacity, courage and, maybe especially, patience.

And, finally, we know that all the greatest projects start with a blank sheet of paper and a pencil...





Who beneficiates from the Interstice? Such an outstanding achievement may be advantageous to everyone:

  • To the architect - fame
  • To the Host City - a landmark
  • To the region - economic growth
  • To the citizen - local pride
  • To the visitor - an enlightening experience
  • To the local business - lucrative contracts
  • To the local store - additional incomes
  • To the worker - a new job
  • To the child - a learning time with the family
  • To the adult - a pause in the day
  • To the family - quality time together
  • To the couple - a meaningful relaxation moment
  • To the single - the opportunity to meet
  • To the actual generation - wonder and fascination
  • To the future generations - the landmark of a glorious era


Who beneficiates from the Caleader?

  • The teacher - the opportunity to motivate
  • The student - the opportunity to lean and discover
  • The artist - the chance to accomplish
  • The businessman - a challenge worth taking
  • The enterprise - an exciting promotional tool providing long term visibility
  • The citizen - a new calendar: ingenious, universal, intercultural, fascinating, unique, entertaining, affordable, functional, useful and esthetical.





  • REPETITIONS may become annoying to the reader who takes the time to carefully go throughout the whole site. This repetition is however necessary since most siteseers limit their visit to only a few pages of interest to them.

  • Some ILLUSTRATIONS may display dates not pertaining to the current year. The author's goal is to illustrate his ideas and not to provide readers with 'ready-to-use' products. Some Caleaders may therefore lack some finish. It is to be noted that almost all illustrations on this site have been realized with a regular two dimensional graphic design software, not with a 3D one.

  • PRINTING: Each Caleader available for download is poster size (24" X 18" / 45.72 cm X 60.96 cm). If they are intended for a personal PRINTER, the 'adjust to page' option should be selected in order for the Caleader to be reduced to the paper size.  Caleaders printed on smaller size than intended may be difficult to be read.
  • The WEEK: Recently, some occidental dictionaries took the initiative to redefine the week days' order by modifying their respective position. Be that as it may, Saturday (the Bible labels it Sabbath) has always been the seventh day of the week. In 321, roman emperor Constantine 1st decided to establish Sunday as the collective day of rest. Then eventually, the first and the seventh day of the week ended up being juxtaposed together to become what we commonly call today the weekend. Now observing that people get busy on Monday, these dictionaries resolved to redefine Monday as the first day of the week. Still, a cat remains a cat even if the village's inhabitants call him Doggy. Reality isn't subjugated to any definition. A classification may mask a reality at the most but remains incapable to alter its true nature. Then here is in reality the week and its elements:


    • Genuine temporal entity: seven day period starting on Sunday and ending on Saturday.
    • Contemporary convention: Monday to Friday.


    • Contemporary convention: Sunday and Saturday.

First day of the week

    • Genuine temporal entity: Sunday
    • Contemporary convention: Monday

Keeping record of the original days of the week helps maintain historical accuracy since some early manuscripts report events based on expressions like "the first day of the week...". Such statements can wrongly be interpreted at the light of a few present day dictionaries because they altered the days' weekly order. For instance, the Gospel of Marc (16.9) in the Bible, reports that Jesus "rose early on the first day of the week", which is Sunday, not Monday. Therefore, in order to help maintain this accuracy, the genuine seventh day of the week is discreetly noticeable on Caleaders available for download on this website.

  • This site's content may change without prior notice.





The maximum has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this site, the products described within and those available for download.  However, Légende Communication cannot be held responsible for any error(s) that could be present therein or for any lost, expense, frustration or consequence resulting from them.  Légende Communication is not liable for any of the reader's decisions or initiatives, may they be elaborating, designing, purchasing, producing, printing, managing, manufacturing, distributing, marketing, publicizing, advertising or otherwise; and neither for their consequences.  The entire responsibility lies solely upon those who will take the risk to invest on these products and concepts.  It is to be noted that the promotional statements contained in this site are only hypothetical and do not represent in any way a promise of economic success.





  • If anyone wants to build a tower, won't he first take the time to sit and evaluate the cost and check if he's got the means to complete his project? Otherwise, if he doesn't succeed in finishing the construction after having laid the foundation, he will risk to be laughed at by all witnesses. "Look", will they say, "this is he who started to build and couldn't finish." (Jesus)
  • If you want to unite men, give them a city to build. (A. de St-Exupéry)
  • If we built the house of happiness, the largest room would be the waiting room. (J. Renaud)





And now, to the One who is used to get neglected in our egoistic existence. To the One who gave us life, health, intelligence and without whom nothing could be possible: Thank You! Thank You for your mercy! Thank You for your everlasting kindness towards us and, mostly, thank You for your exceptional patience towards each one of us.



Why bother going through this whole website when you can download this PRINTABLE PDF VERSION of it?





Copyright © 2009 Légende Communication. All rights reserved. Caleader, Interstice and Direct Design Guide are trademarks of Légende Communication.