Assess your knowledge with this brief Quiz and test your abilities with the exercises in the section below it.


  1. Why is it that the day after October 4, 1582 was October 15, 1582?

  2. How many 31 day months are there in a Gregorian year?
    (This one is truly easy, isn't it?)

  3. Why is it that SEPTembre doesn't still hold the seventh place in the order of the months?

  4. In the Gregorian calendar, how many models of years are there? And how many models of months?

  5. Before the adoption of the seven day week in the year 321, how many days the roman 'week' did have?

  6. How many months per year did the Romans have at that time?

  7. The months of July and August were named after which emperors?

  8. Why is it that a lunar month is longer than the moon's rotation around the earth?

  9. What is the Meton cycle and to what purpose is it used?





You may find the following exercises quite simplistic or, depending of your level of fatigue, a bit confusing at first. Let's not forget that it's a brand new concept and that even the simplest innovation requires adaptation. However, once you'll get used to it, you'll go through it like a breeze. All depicted months below belong to 2015 and are available for download in the Downloads section.


Go over the Caleader™ below with your mouse to discover the answers.


  • What month is it?
  • What day of the week does this month start?
  • What date corresponds to the first thursday of this month?
  • What day of the week does this month end?
  • The 9th corresponds to what day of the week?
  • How many full weekends does this month have?
  • To what day of the week does the 26 correspond to?



Go over the Caleader™ below with your mouse to discover the answers.

  • What month is it?
  • On what day of the week does this month start?
  • To what date the fourth Friday correspond to?
  • On what day of the week does this month end?
  • The 12th is what day of the week?
  • How many full weekends does this month have?
  • To what day of the week does the 20th corresponds to?



Go over the Caleader™ below with your mouse to discover the answers.

  • What month is it?
  • On what day of the week does this month start?
  • To what date does the second Friday correspond to?
  • On what day of the week does this month end?
  • What date is the first Sunday of this month?
  • The 14 corresponds to what day of the week?
  • To what day of the week does the last Saturday corresponds to?



Go over the Caleader™ below with your mouse to discover the answers.

  • What month is it?
  • On what day of the week does this month start?
  • What are the dates of the first weekend?
  • On what date does the second weekend end?
  • On what day of the week does this month end?
  • What are the week and weekend colors?
  • What are the dates of the last weekdays of this month?



Go over the Caleader™ below with your mouse to discover the answers.

  • What month is it?
  • On what day of the week does this month start?
  • To what date corresponds the third Wednesday of this month?
  • On what day of the week does this month end?
  • What date is the first Friday of this month?
  • The 27 represents what day of the week?
  • What day of the week is the day before the last day of this month?



Go over the Caleader™ below with your mouse to discover the answers.

  • What months are these?
  • On what day of the week do these months start?
  • To what dates do the second Tuesday of these months correspond to?
  • On what day of the week do these months end?
  • What is the date of the last Sunday of June?
  • The 20th of May represents what day of the week?
  • To what day of the week does June 15 correspond to?



Go over the Caleader™ below with your mouse to discover the answers.

With this model, the reading is upwards.

  • Can you name these months?
  • To what symbol do we recognize a month?
  • How do we distinguish a week from a weekend on this graphic?
  • On what day of the week do these months start?
  • August 9 corresponds to what day of the week?
  • For each month, the 7th corresponds to what day of the week?
  • August 14 is what day of the week?




Why bother going through this whole website when you can download this PRINTABLE PDF VERSION of it?



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