I N T E R S T I C E™



All countries use the Gregorian calendar as an international time reference but many employ parallely a cultural calendar whose starting era differs from others. That cultural year underlines the start of an important era to them and the calendar's yearly beginning varies according to each one. Furthermore, many of these calendars are lunar. The Interstice would then help visitors get acquainted with the particular way the nation manages time. Illustrated above, by chronological order for the year 2015, are a few contemporary cultural dates.


Time Age

The present historic period we live in is characterized by the fact that distances are measured in terms of time. For most of us, technological progress makes it obsolete to assess distance in terms of space. All is now a matter of time: Paris? Six hours from here! Tokyo? Fourteen! New York? Two! Ignoring distances, we now rely on time since it has become the benchmark by excellence. In the same day, we can now visit cities at opposite ends of the globe. Technology allows us to move at a breathtaking speed, hasting our interrelation together.




Global Touristic Perspective

The advent of globalization constitutes an unhoped-for opportunity for each people to share their respective distinctiveness. It may favor mutual understanding and allow ethnic groups to proudly share their collective singularity.

Each community has its own history, heroes, dialect, gastronomy, values and traditions. The calendar, at this level, constitutes a social banner. It reveals the predominant particularities of each civilization.

Each era or society possesses a distinct methodology for calculating the evolution of time, may it be the simple rhythm of seasons or a more elaborate system. The calendar, by its nature, allows each tribe to remain conscious of its ethnic identity. It favors perpetuation of social values and traditions. Cyclically, the community commemorates its territorial, social, sacred and legendary celebrations; it remembers its athletes, artists and thinkers; it recalls epic wars and heroes. So, the calendar whispers the cultural secrets of each nation.

Parallely, architecture remains an incontestable expression of the collective ingenuity. May we think of the pyramids of Egypt, the monoliths of Stonehenge, the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty, architecture constitutes an inexhaustible cultural heritage, often filled with revelations and mystery. It awakes curiosity and triggers fascination. That's why, still today, these landmarks remain culminating points of touristic afflux.





It can therefore be concluded that distinctive architecture constitutes an added value for communities eager to make their cultural assets known to others. The Interstice can be an excellent promoting banner and fill the ever growing need of the human spirit to discover the other. What would be better than an Interstice to confront prejudice and prompt a fruitful reflection?

The Interstice will fascinate visitors from around the world while providing an enlightening experience. Effectively, it possesses an exceptional pedagogical potential. It may abound with historical, geographical, sociological, astronomical and artistic features.

Each Interstice represents in itself a fascinating adventure. In fact, this innovation could ensure an unhoped-for visibility for its Host-City and enrich the visitor's stay. This is why the tourist population that will deign getting familiarized with this milestone could attempt repeating the experience. Among their travel photos, none will be confounded with those of the Interstice. These pictures will bear witness to an unmatched masterpiece.

By its nature, the Interstice will prompt local pride and induce public interest, as regional as international, thus contributing to tourist afflux and the reach of financial goals. The universality of this milestone will not fail to enthrall strangers and add a refreshing highpoint to their itinerary. It is hence judicious to invest in a project generating as much cultural as economical advantages. This artistic keystone is a lighthouse, an event in itself. Also, the simplicity of the structure could make it a success that is not that expensive to achieve.



In the next topic...

Let's see how a minimalist Interstice with climbing plants may constitute an universal calendar and a point of interest for touristic masses...


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