I N T E R S T I C E™


INTERSTICE™ Architectural calendar composed of twelve structures of any shape on which are built-in dates of the current year.

Foundation of the first universal architectonic calendars in history, the Interstice not only allows the collectivity to express its originality through architecture but also integrates an universal time reference accessible to onlookers from all places. Like a sundial, it doesn't require any translation. Therefore, it constitutes one more step towards globalization since everyone can consult it without having to feel discomfort because of linguistic obstacles.


Universal temporal structure

Being solely composed of numbers, the Interstice can easily be consulted by anyone since identification of days is made possible by grouping dates according to the contemporary international weekly standard, which is the week/weekend sequence. You may consult the Design section to discover multiple possibilities to substitute these elementary components by cultural or futuristic structures.

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The captivating aspect of the Interstice resides in its universality, its design possibilities and its thematic potential. Structures composing this building may vary from one another as to their forms and proportions. They can either be relatively small or have humungous dimensions. They can express cultural pride, social values, futuristic vision or simply the ingenuity of the designer. Materials are also his prerogative. He can favor cement, marble, wood, gold, silver, glass or any other material which may be judged relevant, depending of his priorities: longevity of the structure, esthetics, technology (automated digital dating system, for instance) or the easy maintenance of the structure.





Erected in the heart of a public park, the Interstice is the culminating point of a relaxation area. Ideally surrounded by gardens and fountains, it offers visitors quietness in a setting favorable to an urban break. This universal architectonic time structure offers visitors the opportunity to come and lounge during a simple walk, no matter what dialect they speak or culture they are from.




In the next topic...

Discover how the world is ripe for Interstices and how it can ease interaction between nations and contribute to a better understanding from one another...


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