I N T E R S T I C E™

Momentous Premiere

No era nor civilization ever gave birth to such an architectural milestone. The Interstice thus constitutes a pioneering concept susceptible to be admired by today's people and tomorrow's generations. The visibility generated by such an architectonic ingenuity could surpass all expectations. Who knows, maybe your Interstice will still be proudly standing up in the next millennium, revealing to the then generation the originality of our era and the courage we have inherited from our predecessors.


Branding the structure

The definition of the word «interstice» in the dictionary resumes perfectly the two main facets of this mega structure: space and time. It defines it as being a space between two things, for example, the spacing between your computer keyboard keys. An interstice also designates a time interval between two situations. As an example, the peace interstice between the two World Wars was 21 years (1918-1939). This structural calendar thus embraces the two main aspects of this definition: space and time. Being physical, it occupies space and, by its nature, it constitutes a time reference. What other designation would have better fit this milestone?

Your Interstice should therefore to be a breach in space/time, an urban haven, a retreat zone impermeable to urban preoccupations. It should also be a pause in daily activities, an interval favoring resourcing, serenity and equilibrium.



In the next topic...

Get acquainted with the thrilling facets of this super project: creativity, ingenuity and design.  Dare take on the challenge of being who you really are: different. If you see life-size and refuse to be content with the crumbs your environment is feeding you...


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