I N T E R S T I C E™



When time comes to design your Interstice, it is imperative to dare being audacious in order to achieve a ground-breaking realization. Your imagination is the only boundary. Beside technical limitations, it is indispensable to create a structure which visual impact will prompt respect as onlookers witness an amazing phenomenon.  Get inspiration from the following few suggestions.




Dates could be integrated in an artistic manner as in illustration below, thus adding an esthetical cachet to the creation.


Go over graphic with your mouse to view legend.


By itself, the sole dating system constitutes a great challenge for the architect since dates should be updated annually in order for the structure to remain relevant and contemporary. No one, of course, would really be interested to go consult a temporal reference which dates would be obsolete. Therefore, design plays an important role since it is imperative to elaborate a dating system which integrated elements allow their yearly replacement. These elements should be fully functional and removable without compromising the esthetic aspect of the work. This, of course, does not apply if dates can automatically be updated annually by a computerized dating system.




Positioned in the center of the Interstice, the visitor could consult the time of the day by observing his shadow pointing towards numbers of a sundial integrated to the structure. Thus, the Interstice would be a complete time reference revealing the year, months, days and hour of the day. Will taking a picture of one's own shadow become a new tourist pastime?






Each night, programmed to illuminate the sky with its light beams during only one little minute at exactly midnight, the Interstice indicates the passage from one day to another. This brief show generates anticipation in surrounding areas, requiring to remain vigilant in order to grasp this precious moment of the day.




Unhoped-for Perspective

These few clues should inspire you to achieve with your efforts and ingenuity, a never-seen-before structure. If architecture and urbanism captivate you, the Interstice concept will allow you to discover an unexpected perspective of architecture.

During the design process, follow your instinct! Each monthly structure can take any shape issued from your imagination. Don't forget however that they have to respect a specific theme. You can either sketch out these structures according to your own vision then promote them to various potential clients or, if you already have a client in mind, draw a model matching his profile and approach him with an Interstice that ennobles his identity.

A plain sheet of paper and a pen is all you'll need to start. Take the time to relax before undertaking the project. An excess of stress may block your inspiration. Consider how the client you have in mind should be perceived, his predominant characteristics and the symbols reflecting his nature. Invest time, energy and resources on a daily basis. It belongs to you to achieve the work of art of your choice. With a relatively small daily investment, constancy will allow you to reach success on the long term. Intelligence, effort and perseverance could lead you on the path to victory. Remember that a tree doesn't grow in a sole day. A little time invested regularly and a lot of passion could lead you far beyond your expectations.



January' Structure

      February' Structure (...)
GO OVER THEMES BELOW to see improvised samples structures above OR CLICK ON THEM TO DOWNLOAD graphics.
Classic Cultural Artistic Jungle Cubic Glass Futuristic Earth



Design Strategy

It is useless to display every possible theme that comes to mind such as, for instance, social values (patriotism, family), history (events, heroes)...  These structures could for example emphasize on twelve men whose historic contribution has shaped the nation.  They could also depict a story, be part of a whole, expressing an introduction with January and a conclusion with December.  Since observers will be surrounded by these structures, it would be wise to attempt communicating an ambiance so that they may feel a mood emanating from the Interstice.  It is then up to the designer to elaborate themes expressing his particular vision.  The basic notion is that a structure can have a different shape than others as long as it still serves the purpose of displaying adequately its month of the year.

For those who are not yet knowledgeable about 3D software, it could be useful to know that they can freely download Google Sketchup which provides a full range of powerful 3D tools that can draw any shape that comes to mind. Google even provides online video tutorials that explain most of its features.



In the next topic...

Who are potential Interstice buyers? Let's discover their profile and motivations...


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