I N T E R S T I C E™



If you want to stand out as an architect, it is imperative to invest on research, particularly on your client's profile and calendar, so as to optimize your performance, prompt public interest and give him appropriate visibility. Be aware of your originality! Without being eccentric, proudly express your singularity. Once your Interstice is designed and the project elaborated, there will only remain to find an acquirer and to determine with him the site of its erection.

Keep in mind that your client wants to trigger international interest towards his territory. The cultural factor is therefore essential. In the eventuality that cultural numbers were present on the Interstice instead of conventional numbers, it would lose its international aspect. However, such an Interstice could represent an interesting touristic asset for visitors wishing to explore the cultural temporal system of the Host-City.

Since Interstice elements can adapt to practically any structural form, its designer should make a serious research on the Host-City, its culture and its history so to express adequately its identity:


  • What are its cultural symbols?

  • How can they be represented on structures?

  • What is its cultural year?

  • Is it a solar or lunar calendar?

  • At what season and date does its New Year start?

  • On what historical event is based the origin of its calendar?

  • Can we make this event transpire on the Interstice?

  • What are its traditional numbers?

  • Do these numbers originate from their alphabet? (Some nations use their alphabetical letters as numbers. Example: A (=1), B (=2), etc., then A+B = C.

  • How can numbers be astutely integrated to the Interstice's structures without compromising its esthetic appearance?

  • Etc.


Research will provide the architect with theme elements to exploit, thus enabling him to conceive an unheard-of masterwork especially profiled to his client. The final product will portray the Host-City in such a particular way that it won't correspond to any other community in the world. As we know, cultural symbols aren't lacking in most societal groups.





Through art, cultural expression transmits a feeling related to a society. It is expressed by exterior signs symbolizing what distinguishes that collectivity. Below are straightforward examples of cultural symbols being used as monthly structures.





An Interstice may also underline the glorious era of an empire. Structural elements could therefore adopt shapes related to that period. Dates could be displayed in numbers used at that time thus evocating that era. Let's notice that on the illustration below, shields vary from one another, each expressing their own particularity.





Elements could as well bring to light a geographic region such as India, for example. In the minimalist illustration below, there would only remain to incorporate dates and cultural particularities pertaining to India's calendar: 1937 (year 2015 of the Gregorian calendar) so the tourist may better get acquainted with this culture.





By its versatile nature, the Interstice can consequently adapt to countless domains:

  • Mythology, culture & tradition

  • Sport, cinema & music

  • Events & historical heroes

  • Social values such as family, work & courage

  • Technology & futurism

  • Etc.






In the next topic...

What makes the Interstice a challenge? To what extent? Let's discover why building one constitutes an enormous but punctual challenge...


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