I N T E R S T I C E™


You are an intense architect who wants to draw unique Interstices with the aim of promoting them to clients susceptible to erect them on their territory? Consider the following candidates to acquire such unrivaled mega structures.



Every city dreams of becoming a tourist attraction. The substantial income generated by this industry is coveted by most. However, to become distinguishable isn't easy. A city is a city and there are plenty on earth. What then should be done to incite interest towards the territory? What makes millions of humans invest a small fortune every year, leave their region and cross oceans to reach a tourist destination?


The mental evocation that these destinations exert on the human mind constitutes an undeniable source of motivation. Its might is so powerful that it moves human masses, provoking touristic tides.

At this level, an outstanding Interstice can represent an interesting option for a city. The Interstice possesses all the great assets of architectonic milestones: uniqueness, charisma and a pleasant appearance. Therefore, by its nature, it constitutes a landmark and deserves its place besides world-famous cultural expressions. It has all the needed assets to become an universal emblem solicited by touristic masses. This concept bears witness of an openness to the world and represents a unique opportunity to concur to architectonic gems of civilizations.



Modern transportation favors the moving of masses. Exploring has now become a popular entertainment. Egularly equipped with cameras of all kinds, people now snatch daily scenes for keepsake. The actual era thus represents the ideal epoch for a nation wishing to get a landmark that will propel it to the international forefront. What could be better than an Interstice to express its distinctiveness and trigger interest towards its territory?




Tourist merchandise



The Client's motivation

The ingenuity of a work isn't enough to convince an official to invest huge amounts of public funds. His decision must take into consideration the economical aspect of the project. Apart from the enormous amounts of money to invest, he must also consider lateral implications: time, energy, expertise and public criticism.  Although the initial investment may be significant, numerous advantages could largely compensable for it on the long haul: worldwide visibility, local pride, employment, touristic convergence, social development and economic prosperity.


The Client's clients: tourists & guests

Issued from a simple but performing concept, the Interstice constitutes a refreshing pause for the tourist keen on travel trophies. Brightening up his journey, it will garnish his itinerary. One will surely be photographed near the column on which appears the date of his visit. The vacationing couple will be pleased to be photographed near their engagement date. As for children, they will cheer up while getting their picture taken as they proudly stand near their respective birthday date. Whether small or tall, everyone will have fun investigating the structure for important dates.

Furthermore, as for any destination, visitors will eagerly buy products reminding them of their stay. Thematic Caleaders, postcards, clothing and accessories could easily become an additional source of income a long time after the Interstice inauguration. These products constitute an asset since the tourist using them back home becomes a promotional agent. He will tell his contacts which could also come experience for themselves this unique adventure.


Major Corporations

Motivated by prestige, many companies could also want to become acquirers of their own Interstice for their head-office. An aluminum manufacturing company, for instance, could decide to erect an Interstice entirely made out of aluminum. Thus, when an official visit occurs, guests may be overwhelmed by the masterpiece's majesty, achieved entirely from the company specialized product. Let's not also forget its functionality since it constitutes a time reference to the observer.



By its universality, the Interstice can be built on any community's territory. The collectivity must simply select a strategic spot. Many factors may influence this choice such as the availability of an outdoor site, the economic goals for that targeted region and its accessibility to the population. Apart from erecting a unique work expressing its identity, the client could also beneficiate from the following advantages:

  • Association to an architectonic concept marking the dawn of the new millennium
  • International visibility, pride and distinction
  • Convivial and original relaxing area
  • Tourist influx
  • Employment creation
  • Economic growth



In the next topic...

Why do research? For what purpose? Who will benefit from it? Let's discover the importance of research in the design process of an Interstice...


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